21 Stages of Meditation–Three 2-day journeys
16 hrs per Journey, 48 hrs total
Part of Level 3 Certification Requirement
All People who like Meditation may take it
No pre-requisites
About 21 Stages of Meditation
KRI frames it “It gives you tools and experiences to deepen your meditation and come to a profound understanding of your Self and its relationship to each meditation and its stage and journey. Complete three meditative journeys toward Awareness: The Infinite Pulse.
Students and teachers from all contemplative traditions are invited and encouraged to participate in the vibration of this immersive experience.”
Jaap Kaur sees it as a structure and experience to assess where you are. Where your strengths are and where you have room to grow and expand your light to love and serve all; humanity, your soul, universe, and the divine creator. A path to oneness with all. There is always some polish to polish the polish. 21 Stages of Meditation gives you a lot of “How’s” to do that. Anybody can benefit wherever they are.
21 Stages of Meditation Can Benefit Anybody! So, it is open to Everyone who Enjoys Meditation. No Pre-requisites.
Jaap Kaur’s Experience with “21 Stages of Meditation”
Jaap Kaur took all 3 journeys three times. The first time her focus was on the Group energy and synchronizing with it. The second time the focus was on expansion outward across the Universe. The third time the focus was an expansion within, to the Universe within that was as large or larger than the outside Universe. All a perspective and opportunities to Expand. She did not pre-plan or have any preferences for focus, just allowed them to show up organically, with neutrality and acceptance as the observer and participant simultaneously. Yogi Bhajan said we ‘Condemn ourselves” and Jaap Kaur views that as Self Limitations. 21 Stage of Meditation helps us drop limitations and be more inclusive in all aspects of our lives.
In the process any meditations that felt anything other than effortless and blissful she focused on until the next year and an opportunity to do the whole 21 stages again. This practice helped her fine tune her meditation skills as well.
The following 2 years she taught 1/3 then 1/2 of the 6-day course. Also always, participating and meditating on the days she did not teach. Teaching 21 Stages expanded her ability to remain single focused in service and at ease while holding space for the group in long enduring meditations.
“Jaap” means Meditate. When Yogi Bhajan gave Jaap Kaur her spiritual name his direction was “Meditate and Inspire others to Meditate.” And so she does.
Journeys of 21 Stages of Meditation
21 Stages of Meditation Support for Level 3 Teacher Realization
Level 3 requires 18 full days of meditation. 21 Stages of Mediation is Required for 6 of those 18 days. White Tantric Yoga and additional days of 21 Stages of Meditation can make up the remaining minimum of 12 days of meditation requirement.
Here is Why 21 Stages is so supportive for Level 3 Teacher Cert
One of the guiding principles of Level Three is that, unlike Level One and Two, there will be no Trainers, instead one Level Three generation will welcome the next.
Level Three journey is highly experiential, uniquely personal, self-initiated and self-directed. It is not a program directed by an individual Lead Trainer; instead, it is a diagonal, peer-supported process, where one’s Peer Group acts as a “mirror” and a “mentor”.
21 Stages of Meditation provides assessments and growth opportunities for Level 3 Candidates to explore and share within their monthly peer groups meetings and within the Melas annual gatherings as a larger cohort. 21 Stages can help candidates explore new avenues for Seva projects and expand their Meditative Mind and Spiritual Maturity.
Level 3 is a Whole Wonderful Self-Guided Journey. You get out of it what you put into It.
Just like other aspects of Life!
Meditative Mind Goal:
Apply focused Kundalini Yoga and Meditative practices to cultivate and refine the meditative mind.
Seva Goal:
Increase attitude of Selfless Service, Seva. Align individual purpose to build and serve community. To build and further the Legacy of Kundalini Yoga.
Spiritual Maturity Goal:
Develop the integrated presence as Teacher through self reflection, spiritual lifestyle and peer support.
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