What is Kundalini Yoga, Why Do It, & Classes

Yoga Topics:

What Is Kundalini Yoga & Why Do It (below)

Private Kundalini Yoga Classes

Public Kundalini Yoga Group Classes

Specialty Classes


Jaap Kaur’s  Favorite Class:  One room schoolhouse. Kundalini fits all.

All are welcomed — Kids, prenatal women, any able bodies, chair yoga, any special support. 

Jaap Kaur’s love for Kundalini Yoga comes from the effectiveness of the technology of Kundalini Yoga, it has been so effective to bring her to peace and neutrality, raising her vibration and intuition to universal consciousness, love, light and healing.

Jaap Kaur continues to teach Kundalini Yoga because it helps her and everyone she shares it with! Kundalini Yoga has many tools to help anyone raise their vibration to integrate with the Aquarian Age shifts with ease; dropping judgements and restrictions that cause stress and frustration, increasing awareness.  Sells and teachers others to play Paiste Symphonic Gong.

Jaap Kaur is blessed to serve humans with the 5000-year-old technology of Kundalini Yoga that balances body, mind and spirit. Put your conscious mind in neutral and unload your subconscious mind for peace and calm, strengthen your nerves and glandular system, and uplift your spirit with love, light, and kindness. Serve from the overflow, never depleting. Be the calm and heal with your presence.

“Life is in balance. The swings in the mind are there to give you the experience, and to let you discover the you within you.  For all those who will praise and recognize you, there may be an equal number who want to slander you. That balance and swing lets your standard be tested. You cannot hold to something external. You must find your own depth and test it, confirm it. So calamity is not bad. It is right, to test you. “

– Yogi Bhajan –

Yogi bhajan

Yogi Bhajan – Barcelona, Spain , August 16-18, 1985

(Healing course lecture pages 22-23 of “ra ma das a sa se so hung healing through yoga, meditation and massage” yoga manual.)

“Kundalini Yoga promotes Balance and supports all systems for healing on all levels.”   Here is why that is important:

“Basically, body needs exercise. But exercise should not only work one part of the body. The kind of exercise that activates one part of the body is very dangerous. People who do one exercise constantly and heavily usually damage their body.

 The body doesn’t need what you consider exercise. When you are working you are not exercising and when you are sleeping you are not meditating.

Meditation is a mental exercise. When you meditate thoughts come in, then you cut down those thoughts with a mantra. Discontinuing each thought that comes in while you are sitting down with the mantra is called meditation. Meditation is not sitting down and calming your body. That is called sitting in calmness.

The intellect will give you the thought whether you like it or not, while at the same time the mind must relate to one point. That’s why singing spiritual music is a better form of meditation because you can concentrate easier in one way. Or else listening to spiritual music and leaning into it is a better form of meditation or better way to calm your body whatever shape or form it happens to be in.

Involve the body in the mantra and do not let the thoughts stream from the intellect through the body. This is very good and essential for the mind. Prayer on the other hand is very good for the soul. Prayer is me relating to the infinite ME. This is very healing. It is healing oneself. Anywhere between your little I and the infinite I you get healed in the process. This is the fundamental process called healing.”

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